Auckland Transport

751-24-380-PS Carrington Road Corridor Upgrade - Design Services

The project is the upgrade of Carrington Road to provide for bus priority, improved walking and cycling facilities, stormwater management, place-making and safety improvements to:

• Enable a local housing development, the Carrington Residential Development;
• Support growth and intensification in the surrounding area, and
• Achieve AT’s long-term strategic network objectives for the corridor.

The Carrington Road Improvements Detailed Business Case (DBC) is identifying the preferred option for upgrading the corridor to achieve the above outcomes.

Funding for the project was secured through the Infrastructure Acceleration Fund (IAF) in 2022. This is a fund administered by Kainga Ora to support housing delivery outcomes. Under AT’s IAF agreement with Kainga Ora, construction is scheduled to start towards the end of 2025 with practical completion in 2027, to align with the Carrington Residential Development programme.

Auckland Transport anticipated the completion of the DBC by March 2024 with Board approval of the DBC likely to be obtained by the second quarter of 2024.
Procurement is now required for the pre-implementation phase of the project to develop the preferred option to a detailed design.

Status Closed
Closed 14 Feb 2024 11:00 AM NZDT
Reference 28708781
Notice Type Notice of Information (NOI)
Regions Auckland
Customer Reference 751-24-380-PS
Contact Details Heather Gill
Published 18 Jan 2024 3:00 PM NZDT

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