Auckland Transport

781-24-513-PS Manurewa Active Modes Action Plan - Professional Services

This Request for Proposal (RFP) relates to the Manurewa Active Modes Action Plan. There are three required key deliverables:

A Human Infrastructure Plan (HIP) for Walking and Cycling, which takes a Human Infrastructure and behaviour change approach to increasing walking and cycling in the project area. The HIP will ultimately form part of the Action Plan but is required as an early deliverable.

An overall Action plan. The development of a Physical Infrastructure Plan (PIP) for walking and cycling will be a key component of developing the Action Plan. The PIP will be predominantly focused on identifying priority infrastructure interventions to increase walking in the project area. The PIP will be contained within an overall Action Plan that ties the two components (HIP and PIP) together through demonstrating an overall investment case.

A public facing summary document focused on the outcomes sought and actions identified

Status Closed
Closed 6 Sep 2024 5:00 PM NZST
Reference 29862464
Notice Type Request for Proposals (RFP)
Regions Auckland
Contact Details Nicco Tagle
+64 9 930 5001 ext. 2325
Published 26 Jul 2024 4:30 PM NZST

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