Auckland Transport

820-24-138-GS - Advance Notice - Infringement Fine Collection Services RFP

The purpose of this Advance Notice is to inform suitably qualified suppliers of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for an Auckland Transport sourcing activity in procuring Infringement Fine Collection Services contract.
The Infringement Fine Collection Services RFP will be published on GETS; AT is working towards a publishing date of 20 February 2024 (indicative timeline).

Auckland Transport (AT) has the authority to issue infringement notices under the following legislations:

• Land Transport (Motor Vehicle Registration & Licensing) Regulations 2011
• Land Transport Act 1998
• Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2007
• Land Transport (Road User Rule) 2004
• Auckland Traffic Bylaw 2012
• Land Transport Rule: Tyres and Wheels 2001
• Schedule 6 Land Transport (Motor Vehicle Registration & Licensing) Regulations 2011
• Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regulations 1999.
• Auckland Council Navigation Bylaw 2021 (schedule 1)

Infringements are issued for offences relating to vehicle condition, parking, unauthorised use of a special vehicle lane i.e. bus and transit lanes, harbourmaster related matters as enforced under Auckland Council Navigation Safety Bylaw, instances such as a public transport user not paying for a fare when travelling on a public transport service, i.e. not travelling with a valid ticket or not being tagged-on with an AT HOP card, with the appropriate concession.

What we Require
A solution that provides members of the public the ability to pay their lodged infringements in a secure environment taking into consideration differing payment methods that may be available to them (phone, internet).

Status Closed
Closed 29 Feb 2024 10:00 AM NZDT
Reference 28808591
Notice Type Notice of Information (NOI)
Regions Auckland
Customer Reference 820-24-138-GS
Contact Details Petrina Keane
Published 9 Feb 2024 4:30 PM NZDT

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