Accident Compensation Corporation

ACC Orthotist Services (ORTA)

ACC has opened the Orthotist Services (ORTA) contract to New Suppliers.

The purpose of the Orthotist Services is to provide Clients with timely access to appropriate Orthoses to support their return to independence and/or work or education.

We are looking for suitably qualified Suppliers to deliver Orthotist Services (ORTA) from the date of contract signing until the current contract expiry date of 30 April 2025 with one right of renewal of 2 years.
It is important to ACC that Respondents deliver high quality services to Clients. This is achieved by providing staff with the right level of training, at the right time, to deliver a service that provides the most appropriate service to help the Client meet the highest level of independence they can.
Respondents must ensure that all Providers of ORTA have the appropriate qualifications

The ORTA contract currently expires 30 April 2025.

Note: Definitions within the Service Schedule are still being reviewed with current Suppliers, once a definition is agreed upon a variation to the contract will be issued. If you are successful in your application, you may join these discussions.

Status Open
Closing 10 Mar 2025 5:00 PM NZDT
Reference 25029557
Notice Type Request for Tenders (RFT)
Regions New Zealand
Contact Details ACC Health Tenders
Published 1 Nov 2021 9:30 AM NZDT

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