New Zealand Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi)

ART 22/19 – Environmental and accessibility transport appraisal methodology- an alternative transport appraisal methodology

The purpose of this study is to investigate, develop and test different alternative transport appraisal methodologies based on the reduction of vehicle kilometers travelled and greenhouse gas emissions as well as facilitating mode shift within an accessibility framework.

The objectives of the research are:
a. To investigate and develop transport appraisal methodology that places reduction of vehicle kilometres travelled and reduction of emissions as well as to facilitate mode shift at the core of and within an accessibility framework

b. To identify the key elements of environmental and accessibility transport methodologies and the data that needs to be collected and used. This should include details of the economic, transport and other concepts and principles used in the appraisal methodology.

c. Clearly specify the data collection methods. This should include details of surveys that might be used, economic, econometric, mathematical and other concepts and principles that are used in the appraisal methodologies.

d. Demonstrate by the use of case studies the application of the transport appraisal methodology.

Department/Business Unit: New Zealand Transport Agency

Status Closed
Closed 28 Jun 2023 5:00 PM NZST
Reference 27449042
Notice Type Request for Proposals (RFP)
Regions New Zealand
Customer Reference 8655
Contact Details Tenders Secretary - Miriama Leota
Published 25 May 2023 9:00 AM NZST

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