Land Information New Zealand

Adanced Notice: Geodetic Control Panel Refresh

Advance Notice: Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) to begin procurement for a panel of suppliers of Geodetic Control Services

Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) intends to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Geodetic Control Services on GETS. LINZ wants to establish a solution that will ensure the integrity and maintenance of the geodetic control system across New Zealand.
LINZ provides an accurate geodetic system that ensures consistency and adds value by enabling the integration of diverse geospatial datasets. The geodetic system is supported through its network of survey marks. Many of these marks have protection measures such as beacons, marker posts and covers.

Survey marks and the geodetic system are important for considering the effects of environmental change. Survey marks also play an important role in event (Earthquake, and Flooding) response and recovery.
LINZ needs to maintain the system and the physical marks and protection measures. There is the need to consider changes in technology for positioning and how we adapt or innovate to support this change.
We require geodetic surveys to be undertaken on our behalf to maintain LINZ’s role of ensuring spatial integrity, and physical maintenance services to ensure the structural integrity, functionality, accessibility of survey marks and their associated protection structures.

Subject to internal approvals, the likely release of the RFP will be early-mid February 2022. This opportunity will be advertised on GETS.
No information is being asked for at this time but in subscribing to the notice on GETS suppliers will be automatically notified when the RFP is released.

Status Closed
Closed 7 Feb 2023 5:00 PM NZDT
Reference 26873773
Notice Type Notice of Information (NOI)
Regions New Zealand
Contact Details Michael Mazey
Published 30 Jan 2023 12:00 PM NZDT

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