Accident Compensation Corporation

Advance Notice - Upcoming tender for Behaviour Support Services

The Service

Behavioural Support Services (BSS) is a psychologist-led service which supports kiritaki (client) as well as their families, whānau and caregivers to reduce and prevent significant behaviours of concern.
Such behaviour can prevent kiritaki from successfully engaging in rehabilitation, life-long support services, their community and everyday life activities. At the heart of the service is the goal of building resilience within kiritaki and their whānau/ caregivers.
The current contract expires on the 31 October 2023. The new contract will start on the 1 November 2023 for 3 years with one further right of renewal of 1 year (i.e., 3+1 year).

What is important to us

Suppliers must have the following specialist capabilities:
1. Registered psychologist/s with at least two years post-registration experience working with kiritaki with cognitive disabilities and/or behaviours of concern and ongoing post-graduate professional development in traumatic brain injury, and
2. Allied health professional expertise with at least two years community experience of working with kiritaki with a cognitive disability and ongoing post-graduate professional development in traumatic brain injury.

In addition to the specialist capabilities, suppliers must also have:
• a good track record in the management and implementation of similar health-related programmes
• strong relationship building skills and cultural competency to work closely and respectfully with kiritaki, whānau and caregivers
• effective networks and strong relationships within their local community to support kiritaki and their whānau.

This service is needed nationwide. However, suppliers can apply for one or multiple regions, and must provide sufficient evidence on their capability and capacity to deliver services to the region applied for.

The tender process

We plan on releasing the tender on GETS on the week of 26 June 2023, closing the week of 7 August 2023, and contracts awarded to successful suppliers by the week of 16 October 2023.

For more details, please subscribe to this notice and download the Advance Notice document.

Status Closed
Closed 28 Jun 2023 5:00 PM NZST
Reference 27423052
Notice Type Notice of Information (NOI)
Regions Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Canterbury, Chatham Islands, Gisborne, Hawke's Bay, Manawatu-Wanganui, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tasman, Waikato, Wellington, West Coast
Customer Reference BSS 2023
Contact Details Please use the GETS Q&A function
Published 19 May 2023 4:00 PM NZST

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