Parliamentary Counsel Office

Azure Technology Domain Managed Services

The PCO is seeking to invest in a fit for purpose Managed Service for its Azure Technology Domain Services. The PCO sees a mixed model of internal staff and 3rd party expert resources to provide the organisation with the optimal mix of skills and capabilities to support its corporate technology environment and stakeholders.
Consequently, the PCO is seeking to procure 3rd party services to manage and operate this element of its Corporate IT function - the Azure Technology domain. A technical description of the domain is included in Appendix 1 of the RFP.

The PCO is looking for a service partner that will provide:
• a strategic, collaborative relationship reflective of the proposed length of the contract, the level of desired trust and communication with the vendor and the approach to managing risk. A support partner who sees the PCO as an important client not merely based on overall spend and one who ensures that the PCO’s needs will be given high priority.
• a model whereby the resource who will be the day-to-day provider of the services is named and allocated to the PCO account.
• technical back-end specialist capability which remains current with the ongoing evolution of technology and has strategic, innovative thinking to support a more future-focused approach to our technology environment and our work.
• a collaborative relationship with the PCO’s internal IS team; to get the best outcomes for the PCO, we are expecting the internal team and vendors to work collaboratively and seamlessly.
• a focus on the security, quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of our systems and processes.
• The above whilst protecting recent PCO investments.
The PCO does not want:
• Proposals that include User Support, Service Management, and Governance & Assurance domains , these will be run, managed, and staffed by internal PCO resources.
• Proposals that use a highly leveraged staffing model for the services.

Respondents will note that the PCO has another RFP for Network Technical Domain Managed Services (RFP#29289104) in the market concurrently. The two RFPs will be evaluated separately on their individual merits. However, where a Respondent believes they have a strong offering for both domains, they may detail any advantages to the PCO in their response.

Status Closed
Closed 20 May 2024 12:00 PM NZST
Reference 29289019
Notice Type Request for Proposals (RFP)
Regions New Zealand
Contact Details Susan Pye
Published 29 Apr 2024 12:00 PM NZST

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