Ministry for Primary Industries

BEN2022-11 - Estimating sediment resuspension by inshore trawl fisheries

Overall Objective:

Estimate sediment resuspension and plume coverage by inshore trawl fisheries in Hawke Bay, Tasman Bay and Golden Bay, and off the Otago coastline.

Specific Objectives:

1. To complete a review of methods to estimate the quantity of sediment resuspended by trawling activities.

2. Collate all surficial sediment data available in Hawke Bay, Tasman Bay and Golden Bay, and off the Otago coastline.

3. Review recent work describing trawl gear used in New Zealand and refine gear characterisation to ensure this reflects gear use in Hawke Bay, Tasman Bay and Golden Bay, and off the Otago coastline.

4. Using estimation approaches reviewed in Specific Objective 1, sediment data collated in Specific Objective 2, and gear characteristics refined in Specific Objective 3, estimate sediment resuspension and plume coverage by inshore trawl fisheries in Hawke Bay, Tasman Bay and Golden Bay, and off the Otago coastline.

5. Broader outcomes.

Department/Business Unit: Fisheries New Zealand

Status Closed
Closed 7 Oct 2022 2:00 PM NZDT
Reference 26203020
Notice Type Request for Proposals (RFP)
Regions New Zealand
Customer Reference O - BEN2022- 11 (406818)
Contact Details Lidia Maestroni
04 830 1564
Published 19 Aug 2022 2:00 PM NZST

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