Napier City Council

C2810 Wastewater Flowmeter Installation Programme

Napier City Council are looking for a contractor to install a programme of flow meters at wastewater pump stations across the city to provide data to inform current use and modelling for the future.

What we need?
- A general concept design has been completed for buried flowmeters; however, each site has its own intricacies and an element of onsite design for installation and connectivity is required. Following installation, as-built mark-ups are required to be submitted for engineering approval.
- A prioritised list of pump station locations and co-ordinates is attached to this Notice. The Contractor will work through the installation completing as many as possible to the Maximum Fee using the agreed Schedule of Rates.
- To mitigate the flow meter lead in times (6 – 8 weeks) the Principal will purchase a supply of flow meters in advance and make them available to the Contractor to complete the works and reinstatement within a timely manner.
- The electrical work and integration to SCADA is not included in the scope of this procurement.

Department/Business Unit: Infrastructure - 3 Waters

Status Closed
Closed 28 Feb 2025 12:00 PM NZDT
Reference 31036557
Notice Type Request for Tenders (RFT)
Regions Hawke's Bay
Customer Reference C2810
Contact Details Patricia van der Westhuizen
Published 10 Feb 2025 3:00 PM NZDT

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