Auckland Council

Coastal cliff & asset LiDAR and analysis

Auckland has 3,200 km of highly variable and evolving coastline. Auckland Council is directly responsible for many parts of this coastline, and for many assets (such as sea walls, boat ramps, outfalls etc) along the coast. We also have a responsibility to understand natural hazards along the whole coastline, including current erosion rates of cliffs and changes in beach levels.
We need topographical, photographic or similar data to be collected along our coastline to inform our asset management, to understand our hazard exposure, and to provide a baseline for future erosion studies.
We anticipate that this will comprise high-resolution oblique LiDAR with RGB photography flown at low altitude from a helicopter or similar, but are open to alternative methods that can meet our objectives.
We require the LiDAR (or similar) data to be classified according to reflector type, and processed to create as-built data for coastal assets giving data such as crest heights.
We also require the LiDAR data to be compared against previous LiDAR data collected in 2019 for cliffs on the North Shore to identify changes and give an assessment of the rate of coastal erosion.

Status Closed
Closed 10 Jun 2022 2:00 PM NZST
Reference 25815300
Notice Type Request for Proposals (RFP)
Regions New Zealand
Contact Details Hartwig Rabl
021 243 4530
Published 18 May 2022 4:00 PM NZST

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