ChristchurchNZ Limited

Development of Place Brand Strategy and Destination Management Plans

ChristchurchNZ is undertaking a significant programme of work to develop destination management and place brand strategies. This will deliver a clear place brand strategy, a united vision for tourism together with a commitment to genuine partnerships we are seeking to drive sustainable and regenerative practices across the sector.

Christchurch and Banks Peninsula are ready for a post-earthquake and post-Covid relaunch and we are excited to engage with our community and mana whenua to deliver a vision for the future.

The purpose of this RFP is to invite interested parties to submit a proposal for the development of:
1. A comprehensive place brand strategy for Christchurch (Deliverables 1-3)
2. The development of a Greater Christchurch Destination Management Plan
3. The development of a Banks Peninsula Destination Management Plan

These strategic projects need to be coordinated and undertaken concurrently and with interdependencies, stakeholder participation and community engagement carefully managed and prioritised.

Status Closed
Closed 27 May 2022 5:00 PM NZST
Reference 25739477
Notice Type Request for Proposals (RFP)
Regions New Zealand
Contact Details Julia Hardacre
03 3795575
Published 29 Apr 2022 3:00 PM NZST

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