Auckland Transport

Expression of Interest (EOI): - Parking Signage and Road Line Markings

Auckland Transport is the road controlling authority for the Auckland Transport system. Its purpose is to contribute to an effective, efficient, and safe Auckland land transport system in the public interest. Auckland Transport establishes traffic controls and other facilities in pursuit of that purpose.
The Traffic Control Committee has been delegated powers by the Auckland Transport Board to enable it to make: resolutions under bylaws made by, or deemed to have been made by, Auckland Transport; resolutions under Auckland Council bylaws delegated to Auckland Transport; and certain other traffic control-related decisions.

Parking signs and or road line markings
The Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004 ensures that all traffic is controlled by means of traffic control devices that are safe, appropriate , effective, uniform and consistently applied. These devices in the form of parking signs and road marking are used to bring traffic controls into effect and are installed by the Parking Design and Solutions team.

• Auckland Transport (AT) is responsible for management of most on street parking across Auckland, parking is an essential component of Auckland's transport system as it can have major implication for the convenience, economic viability, design and layout of an area.
• Parking plays an important role in the effective functioning of town centres and access to residential areas.
• To operationalise a parking restriction AT is required to sign and mark out the restriction or control in accordance with the Traffic Control Devices 2004.

Status Closed
Closed 30 Nov 2023 4:00 PM NZDT
Reference 28460776
Notice Type Request for Information (RFI)
Regions Auckland
Customer Reference 820-24-125-SD
Contact Details Petrina Keane
Published 15 Nov 2023 8:00 AM NZDT

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