Health New Zealand

Health NZ - Parkside Endoscopy Unit Main Contractor

Health New Zealand (HNZ) is seeking an appropriately experienced construction contractor to fit out the first floor area with the Parkside Building at Christchurch Hospital, to accommodate the Parkside Endoscopy Unit. The 1,400m2 area will house four procedure rooms, nineteen patient bed and chair bays, reprocessing area, associated clinic rooms, waiting rooms, and staff offices. Work is expected to start Q3 2024. Some demolition and removal of services will be required at the start of the works.

Status Closed
Closed 31 Jul 2024 4:00 PM NZST
Reference 29794285
Notice Type Registration of Interest (ROI)
Regions Canterbury
Customer Reference CHCENDO
Contact Details Kaya Heenan
Published 17 Jul 2024 11:30 AM NZST

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