Ministry of Education

Kura and Schools Digital Support

This request relates to the Ministry’s initiative to strengthen cyber security and digital support in kura and schools.

In 2021 the Minister of Education expressed concerns about cyber security in the education sector and the variation in capacity and capability of kura and schools to manage their own digital needs. In response to a series of education reports, the Minister agreed to our recommendation to transition to a more directly led and managed model for digital service delivery into kura and schools, subject to approval of a programme business case and funding.

A Strategic Assessment for strengthening cyber security and digital support in kura and schools was presented to Treasury in June 2022.

Stakeholders consulted to date are strongly supportive of the programme. The two most significant stakeholders impacted by this investment are:

1. New Zealand schools and kura. This programme has the potential to impact all 2,500 kura and schools; their boards, school staff and more than 800,000 students. The level of impact will depend on the current state and numbers of kura and schools that opt to take up the services.

2. The New Zealand education digital market. Understanding what digital services are currently being provided to schools and kura will require the help and knowledge of our industry experts.

Department/Business Unit: IT

Status Closed
Closed 24 Feb 2023 12:00 PM NZDT
Reference 26715261
Notice Type Request for Information (RFI)
Regions New Zealand
Customer Reference MOE20216
Contact Details Lorain Kern-Smith
04 463 1065
Published 6 Dec 2022 3:30 PM NZDT

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