Ministry of Education - School Infrastructure

Main Contractor for Learning Support Modifications Fencing at Stirling School

Overview -
A student at Stirling School has been identified as absconding from school environments and running away. He is very capable of climbing and has no trouble climbing the school's current fencing. The student has no comprehension of road safety and Baker Street which runs parallel to the school is a known heavy vehicle route used by several large trucking firms.

Solution -
i. All fencing to be replaced with a 1.8 metre high unclimbable powder coated pool type fencing, and to follow the current fencing lines or as per the O/T's report.
O/T's report recommends areas of fencing being replaced that currently are bush clad or heavily planted with large trees that the fencing be brought in from the boundary 1.5 metres to move away from bush/trees or potential rooting issues. Fencing from back of school to Boyd Street (right side) fencing had to be brought in approximately 2 metres due to large old tree stumps.

ii. Replace all boundary pedestrian and vehicle gates with 1.8 metre high unclimbable powder coated gates, vehicle gates closest to netball gates to be replaced with 1.8 metre high powder coated pedestrian gate.

iii. Provide a pedestrian gate access close to the main entrance vehicle gate on Boyd Street. It is proposed to create a new separate 1.8 metre high, powder coated unclimbable pedestrian gate access with either key or pin pad access. Also a new path meeting the MOE and council requirements as to slope leading from the front main gate to the school buildings.

Department/Business Unit: Board of Trustees - Approve by BoT - ie. School Principal

Status Closed
Closed 26 Sep 2023 5:00 PM NZDT
Reference 27960471
Notice Type Request for Tenders (RFT)
Regions Otago, Southland
Customer Reference 3836-23-01
Contact Details All suppliers should register their interest for the site visit through the GETS Question and Answer function
Published 30 Aug 2023 9:00 AM NZST

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