Otago Regional Council

Otago Lakes Management Assessment

ORC is considering the possible development of a Lakes Strategic Plan, to “create lake management plans aimed at improving the environmental and amenity value of these water bodies”. As a first step, the ORC seeks to review lake management in Otago, with the view of confirming the need for a new Otago Lakes Strategy or the opportunities for other initiatives that will enhance management of lakes in the region.

This stocktake involves:
1. Reviewing the state of knowledge on lakes, their values, states, and pressures.
2. Reviewing the management framework for lakes, including key planning or strategic documents across all relevant parties; roles and responsibilities; and coordination mechanisms.
3. Assessing gaps and opportunities to enhance lake management, in consultation with key stakeholders.
4. Issuing recommendations over how to best fill the identified gaps and take advantage of opportunities. Recommendations may include the development of additional management plans and strategies; and/or any other initiatives.

Status Closed
Tenderer https://www.gets.govt.nz/ORC
Closed 10 Jun 2022 4:00 PM NZST
Reference 25789391
Notice Type Request for Proposals (RFP)
Regions Otago
Contact Details James Adams
Published 12 May 2022 4:00 PM NZST

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