Ministry of Education - School Infrastructure

Puketaha Wastewater Upgrade

We are seeking suitably qualified contractors to upgrade the existing wastewater system at Puketaha School as per below;

The existing wastewater system at Puketaha School currently does not meet the requirements of the
building code (AS/NZ1547 and G13/VM4:
 Puketaha School has investigated and had recommendations proposed in a report from
AboveWater consultants.
 The report stipulates a staged approach for the upgrade and installation of a new wastewater
system, drainage field and associated redirection of stormwater.
 This requires the installation of a new 4,500L dual chamber septic tank with new, manhole and
associated pipelines. Redirection of existing stormwater infrastructure away from the septic
system. Replacement of the existing Oasis treatment system with a new 6,500L Hynds septic tank
with baffle and pump chamber which will discharge to new raised AES wastewater disposal beds.
 The new system is to be suitably fenced off/isolated to prevent access by children.

Department/Business Unit: Ministry of Education - Approval from Ministry Employee - ie. Case Manager

Status Closed
Closed 11 Sep 2024 5:00 PM NZST
Reference 29916016
Notice Type Request for Proposals (RFP)
Regions Bay of Plenty, Waikato
Contact Details All enquiries to be made through the GETS Question & Answer function
Published 7 Aug 2024 9:00 AM NZST

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