Health New Zealand

Southern Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience (CPSLE) Hub

In 2021 a significant review of the Southern mental health and addiction system resulted in a report called Te Hurihanga Time for Change. This identified the need to develop the Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience (CPSLE) workforce and services.
As part of implementing Te Hurihanga Time for Change we have developed a CPSLE Workforce Development Action Plan and a Southern model of care for peer-governed services. Both of these documents have been based on consultation with people with lived experience, and the wider sector.

We are now seeking to progress a key action from our Southern Model of Care for Peer-Governed Services (model of care) and the Workforce Development Action Plan – establishing a hub to connect and support people working in consumer, peer support and lived experience roles in Southern. For this RFP we are looking for a peer-governed organisation, or contractor/s with lived experience, to establish and maintain a network of the CPSLE workforce in Southern, and provide support (for example, education and supervision) to the workforce.

In this RFP we refer to this function as the Southern Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience Hub.

Status Closed
Closed 27 Jun 2023 12:00 PM NZST
Reference 27480626
Notice Type Request for Proposals (RFP)
Regions Otago, Southland
Contact Details Ant Burgess
03 470 9475
Published 1 Jun 2023 9:00 AM NZST

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