Dunedin City Council

St Clair Hot Salt Water Pool Heat Pump Replacement - Supply, Install and Maintenance

The Dunedin City Council (DCC) provides aquatics facilities for the use and enjoyment of its residents and rate payers. This includes a hot salt water pool facility in St Clair (St Clair Hot Salt Water Pool). The pool is heated to 28 degrees when in use during the open season between October and April each year.

The pool at this facility is heated by two heat pumps, which require replacement. We want to partner with an experienced supplier to supply and install a suitable replacement heat pump system and provide ongoing maintenance of the heat pump system for its lifespan.

The pool is not currently being heated effectively or efficiently. We want a supplier to recommend a suitable heat pump system, to replace the existing, that has the capacity to heat the pool effectively within boundary conditions.

The pool is located in a corrosive environment. We want a supplier to provide a proposal for a heat pump system that takes this into consideration and can provide a heat pump system that has a minimum 10-year lifespan.

The installation works are to be undertaken during the off season whilst the pool is closed, it is essential that the works are complete so that the pool can open as planned for the 2024/25 season on 1 October 2024.

We want to ensure that we are maximising the operational efficiency of the heat pump system to gain the maximum effective life span. It is important that the supplier can provide an ongoing maintenance service for the heat pump system to achieve this.

Status Closed
Tenderer https://www.gets.govt.nz/DCC
Closed 29 Feb 2024 4:00 PM NZDT
Reference 28759131
Notice Type Request for Proposals (RFP)
Regions Otago
Customer Reference 11169
Contact Details Natalie Strong
Published 1 Feb 2024 4:00 PM NZDT

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