Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children

Technology Platform to support social work practice and service delivery ROI

Oranga Tamariki has inherited a number of legacy case and care management technology systems, which provide support to frontline kaimahi and our NGO partners in the delivery of care to our tamariki and whānau.
These systems were built based on a legacy practice approach and cannot easily be changed.
The delivery of improved outcomes for tamariki and whānau and enabling new services and practices will require the implementation of new technologies and services, while also recognising the need to support the co-existence of legacy technologies and new technologies throughout the delivery of the programme.
Oranga Tamariki aims to update, replace, and retire old technology that is inhibiting the Ministry from realising its strategic aspirations.
The FTSU programme will support this by procuring a Technology Platform for Frontline Services that spans case, care and partner management services, enabling social workers to ‘understand, plan, and restore’ with tamariki, rangatahi and whānau.
The purpose of this Registration of Interest (ROI) is to seek a supplier to provide the Technology Platform for Frontline Services (referred to as the “Technology Platform”).
This ROI will enable Oranga Tamariki to determine the level of interest in a procurement from Technology Platform suppliers.

Status Open
Tenderer https://www.gets.govt.nz/OTMC
Closing 17 Mar 2025 11:00 PM NZDT
Reference 31039501
Notice Type Registration of Interest (ROI)
Regions New Zealand
Customer Reference FTSU101
Contact Details Nigel Thomas
Published 10 Feb 2025 6:00 PM NZDT

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