Accident Compensation Corporation

Request for Application: Training for Independence Services 2023

Training for Independence (TI) Services support ACC’s community rehabilitation services that aim to restore or maximise kiritaki/ client independence, and reduce their need for other rehabilitation support services. They provide flexible and individualised interdisciplinary rehabilitation to meet the needs of a diverse range of kiritaki/ clients.
We will be going to tender the week starting 7 February for the following services:
1. TI – Te Ata Pō (Before Dawn) Significant injury-related needs
2. TI – Te Ata Tū (Dawn) Moderate injury-related needs.
3. TI – Tamariki & Rangatahi
We will not be going to tender for TI – Sensitive Claims at this time.

Outcomes must be based on the needs and goals of the client/kiritaki and their whānau. Good client/kiritaki outcomes may look like restored independence and ability to participate in everyday life, be it at home, community, work and/or education settings.

ACC is looking for suppliers who can demonstrate they meet ACC requirements to deliver these services as set out in the tender documentation.

The anticipated dates are as follows:
- 14 Feb 23: Tender goes live on GETS
- 21 Feb 23 (5:30pm): Procurement webinar
- 10 Mar 23 (4:00pm): Q&A closes
- 19 Mar 23 (11:59pm): Tender closes
- 24 April - 5 May 23: Interviews with shortlisted respondents
- 15 May 23: Successful suppliers awarded contract
- June 23: Transition and handover of services of previous contracts to new contracts
- 1 July 23: New contracts go live
- 1 July 23: Applications Notice Posted on GETS for new submissions


Please ask any questions through the GETS Q&A function.

Status Closed
Closed 20 Mar 2023 12:00 AM NZDT
Reference 26941462
Notice Type Request for Proposals (RFP)
Regions Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Canterbury, Chatham Islands, Gisborne, Hawke's Bay, Manawatu-Wanganui, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tasman, Waikato, Wellington, West Coast
Customer Reference TI 2023
Contact Details Please use the GETS Q&A
Published 14 Feb 2023 8:30 AM NZDT

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