University of Auckland

University of Auckland: Procurement Plan - 2025

The University of Auckland is publishing a list of potential procurement activities that may be carried out during 2025. Our departments are still finalising their budgets and resources therefore the following points are pertinent:
*The list is not comprehensive and we expect it to change with additions and deletions.
*Some or all items shown in the list may not be tendered during this financial year.
*In accordance with University procurement policies, some items may not be subject to an open market tender process.
*At this stage, we cannot enter into individual correspondence about any of the items mentioned in this advance notification.

Please note this is only a Notice of Information.
If and when we publish a tender for any of the listed projects, then, if you are interested, we will provide you with instructions on how you can register your interest for that particular tender.
Registration is not required at this stage.

PP01 SoliTOC Elementar analyser (CapEx)
PP02 Liquid Chromatograph-QQQ-Mass Spec (CapEx)
PP03 EPIQ Elite Diagnostic Ultrasound Machines (CapEx)
PP04 Class set of compound microscopes (CapEx)
PP05 Gas Purchase and Supply (OpEx)
PP06 Valuation Services (OpEx)
PP07 Advertising and Creative Services (OpEx)

Department/Business Unit: Strategic Procurement

Status Closed
Closed 7 Feb 2025 5:00 PM NZDT
Reference 30981762
Notice Type Notice of Information (NOI)
Regions New Zealand
Contact Details Dhanuka Liyanage
+64 27 210 3022
Published 30 Jan 2025 4:00 PM NZDT

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