Ministry for Primary Industries

ZBD2022-02A - The impacts of marine heatwaves on fisheries in New Zealand

Overall Objective:

This project aims to generate coastal and marine maps of temperature anomalies at several scales so that fishery vulnerability to marine heatwaves can be explored at fisheries and local regional scales.
Specific Objectives:

1. Review data and information available regarding the nature of marine heatwaves in New Zealand and their potential effects on marine ecosystems and fishstock productivity.
2. Map the distribution of temperature anomalies in coastal waters and identify locations of concern to fisheries management.
3. If feasible, conduct a risk assessment on the vulnerability of key fishstocks to marine heatwaves in New Zealand.
4. Broader outcomes.

Department/Business Unit: Fisheries New Zealand

Status Closed
Closed 17 Oct 2022 2:00 PM NZDT
Reference 26347442
Notice Type Request for Proposals (RFP)
Regions New Zealand
Customer Reference O - ZBD2022-02 A (406845)
Contact Details Lidia Maestroni
04 830 1564
Published 16 Sep 2022 2:00 PM NZST

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